The OpenSure Free Press 21st November 2011

Are you reading this as a displacement activity when you should be compiling expenses, or perhaps you’ve scheduled a coffee break? What’s that? Your day is more random than that? Well tchuh, you must read this article as a matter of urgency…

Run your day with Twitter
This article can be introduced only in its own words – I just can’t beat them:

Here’s a very quick guide to how to go about effective daily Twitter management  for general  awareness

Who’s leaving reviews of your company online?
Many useful tools exist on the web for rating companies, services and individuals. It may well be that someone has rated your company or your service or even you personally – would you know? Do you track that sort of thing? It pays to do so. There have been some quite shocking cases of devastating false reviews wreaking havoc. A competitor up to mischief is the least of it – read this article and just be glad it wasn’t you. There is a company that helps to deal with it – it was set up eight months ago:

So far Kwikcheck said it had dealt with 3,000 cases of online defamation. Mr Emmins added that it was possible to sabotage a business within five minutes, and that the problem was widespread.

Bad day at Google Towers
Google has overtaken Microsoft in the security vulnerability hurdles, according to a Trend Micro report (Trend Micro, it must be borne in mind, would like to sell you anti-virus software). The article goes on to say:

Trend Micro explained that the jump in Google security problems was caused mainly by the Chrome browser, but that none of the flaws in Chrome was as severe as those in Microsoft products.

“The increase in the number of attacks targeting Chrome may primarily be due to the browser’s increasing use and popularity,” the report said.

The comment at the end of the article is thought-provoking, if pro-Microsoft. I wonder who left it?

Rural broadband – the European perspective
Yes I know, yawn, rural broadband, but  the EU appears to think things are pretty good, in fact it “estimates that around 95 per cent of European Union citizens now have basic broadband access” according to this article. Once again though rural broadband lets the side down. Frank Mather, EC Director General for the information society, said at a recent conference:

“Around 95 per cent of citizens are now covered by broadband access, although only about 80 per cent of rural areas have access. There is a clear rural dimension to this problem to meet the 2013 target”

It seems we have some way to go to match the broadband infrastructures in Asian countries such as Malaysia.

The dumb machine
This is how the Scandinavian columnist whose name I can’t reproduce with my keyboard describes Google and other search engines, in this article on SEO and keywords. It’s important to bear in mind that he’s talking about huge companies with massive budgets but none the less, it’s a useful explanation of how SEO and keywords work and why they matter. (wtt search engine guide for the pic)

Other odds and ends that have caught our eye recently:

As seen in the gents’ loo in the BBC
Bubble wrap to Tetra-Pak – the Hidden Heroes exhibition
London transport schemes that never were
Sunderland – a city in the cloud

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