Ubuntu 14.04 USB Drive Giveaway
Ubuntu 14.04, Trusty Tahr, is released this Thursday, 17th April. To celebrate, we’d like to give five lucky users a 16GB bootable thumb drive pre-loaded with either Ubuntu Gnome or Linux Mint, whichever the winners prefer. This will enable them to run an entire open source environment without touching a hair on the head of their existing set-up.
Anyone with a machine dating from 2003 or later will be able to run these systems. Mint is a good solution for lower-powered machines, but if you’re looking for an operating system for a system with even less juice, you might want to consider Crunch Bang.
What’s the big giveaway?
Anyone can download Ubuntu – that’s not what this giveway is about. We’ve called it the Ubuntu 14.04 USB drive giveaway because we’re giving you a 16GB USB nano-drive completely free, together with email support.
This giveaway will appeal to open source-curious Windows users who are interested in seeing for themselves what open source has to offer, but without committing themselves or getting in a tangle.
If you’re a Windows XP user and you find yourself in the wilderness now that Microsoft has cut support for XP, this is the giveaway for you. However it is open to everyone. We’d like to carry out a wee bit of follow-up with the winners, and feature their experiences (anonymously if they prefer).
How do I enter?
From Monday a Twitter campaign will be running. Watch out for tweets from @OpenSure for further details. The competition will close on Good Friday and the winners announced on Tuesday 22nd April.