No typo, Vinux is an ‘accessibility distro’ – or issue – of Linux, ie one that is designed for people unable to use computers in the normal way, specifically the visually impaired.
Vinux lead developer Dr Anthony Sales is a lecturer at the Royal National College for the Blind, in Hereford, and today has an article published in Linux Format magazine. We had the pleasure of chatting to Tony last night at the Herefordshire Linux User Group meeting and conversation ranged far and wide on the topic of all sorts of groups using Vinux to improve their accessibility to computers. As Tony said, 75% of blind people are over the age of 75, so the issue then is not just computer accessibility but the notion of using computers at all. Anyone who has trouble reading – this can include dyslexics and younger children – can benefit from Vinux.
If you know someone who could benefit from Vinux why not download it from here and give it a whirl?